church family news
   We continue to bring our weekly news via this page.  

Please check the tabs for individual groups  

and the 'What's On' tab for more updates

                                         If you need to get a message to anyone on this page please use the "Contact Us" page on this website.                                                                                         

            If you have any items you'd like us to include again please tell Maureen Jeavons or Eileen Adams                        


God bless you all                 
Stay Joyful

                Keep the Faith

                                 Do the Little Things  


If you  need, or you hear  of any one else who needs
please  contact EILEEN ADAMS  who in turn will inform the Minister and your own pastoral visitor 

If you have COVID (or any other problem) contact Eileen  or Sarah Shaw  

and we can arrange help  through our "Helping hands" group.

This is a group of very willing helpers  so please don't struggle alone



 Prayer Room open from 10.00 am   

(The prayer room is at the end of the long corridor at the side of the worship area) 

this  week July 21st 

Preparing for worship 10.25

Worship will be led by 

Steve Charlton


is available after  the service   

 Next week 

Worship on July 28th  

will be a United Farewell Service at Hasbury for Rev Peter Brown


Worship on August 11th

Worship on Aug 11th is planned as a local arrangement for both Hasbury and Short Cross.

Short Cross have planned a service with Richard Reynolds as preacher and Jeff Downing as organist. Richard is now a retired captain of the Salvation Army and is a former member of Short Cross. They have invited us to join them for this service.

There will be no service at Hasbury on this date.




Barbara Tivey celebrates her 90th birthday on July 22nd

Happy birthday Barbara.


The Funeral of Steve Hadley will take place on Friday 2nd August at 11.00am at Stourbridge Crematorium. Christine would like to thank everyone for the beautiful cards and messages she has received and for all your prayers.

The care Steve received from Newcross Hospital was amazing and donations in memory of Steve will be accepted for the Cancer centre there, called the Deansley Centre.
Cheques need to be made payable to The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity.

We hold Christine, Thomas, Robert and all of the family in our love and our prayers.


Kathleen Cruchley passed away recently. Kathleen was the wife of the late Ernest, and we remember her fondly as an occasional visitor to Hasbury. We hold Kathleen’s family in our love and prayers. 








on Tuesday 24th September 2.00 pm

          Tickets £10 available from Brenda Yau 0121 550 9461,

           Lesley Pitts 0121 550 7653, Margaret Parton 0121 550 6858  



Eileen is wanting to relinquish the job of maintaining our church website and would appreciate it if someone else could take over this task. She'd be happy to show a new editor what needs doing  . There's always a help desk too.  It's not an onerous job but it does need to be updated regularly. Occasionally enquiries need to be forwarded to leaders or our booking secretary. Salary is really poor ( nothing, in fact) but you can work from home so no travel time or expense involved!                                                                                                                 Please speak to Eileen if you could take over or would like more information 





  Could YOU help with -             

Joining one of the Refreshment Teams                                                         

Being a Door Steward to welcome people into church                                                             

Being a Steward to help prepare for worship on Sundays (you need to be a church member)                  

Joining the Merry Mowers team (Jason need a partner)                                  

Being a pastoral visitor keeping a friendly eye on a number of people and passing on requests for support to the Minister (more info from Eileen or Beth)

Please prayerfully consider if you could help fill any of these gaps. 




We remember all who are looking to a new phase of their lives

Young people who are finishing their time at their present school, or finishing their education and looking to find employment

Methodist ministers who are moving on to a new place of ministry

Our new government – we pray that they will govern our country with wisdom, discernment and justice

There are so many places in our world where there is upheaval, conflict and suffering

We pray for all who work for peace, often in life threatening conditions

We pray that people may learn to live together in  harmony and understanding.

We pray for our holiday clubs at Hasbury/Short Cross and Central. May the activities that have been planned help children to learn more about You, Lord, and may they enjoy the friendships they make during these special times.

Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer.





Wed July 17th   Fellowship Group 2.30 pm  

We’ll be looking at The Beatitudes    Matt 5:7Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy. You’re welcome to join us  


Sat July 20th  COFFEE MORNING 10.30am -12.30pm

 Please note - this event replaces the Table Top Sale !

Please could we ask for donations of PLANTS, CAKES and raffle prizes to sell   on that occasion.    All proceeds to Church Funds

Many thanks. Joy, Eileen, Jill and Margaret B.





PRAYER   (from Methodist Prayer Handbook)

The most wonderful treasures are often to be found in surprising corners, unexpected people and new experiences.  Lord, help us by Your Spirit to have patience to understand that You are always at work, even when it remains unseen by us.  Give us eyes that are open to see where Your activity is evident and ears to hear when You are inviting us to share in the process of bringing new things to birth.

May Your light shine in all the dark places of our lives, our churches, our communities and our world, so that the treasure that lies within might be revealed to us.

In the name of Christ.  Amen 





 It is with great sadness that we announce the death this week of                        Steve Hadley, husband of Christine.

We send our love and prayers to Chris and all the family as they come to terms with their loss. Chris has asked for us to respect their privacy at this time and she wont be taking any phone calls or visits for the time being.




Worship on August 11th

Worship on Aug 11th is planned as a local arrangement for both Hasbury and Short Cross.

Short Cross have planned a service with a former member Richard Reynolds as preacher and Jeff Downing as organist. They have invited us to join them for this service.

There will be no service at Hasbury on this date. 







We are looking towards a future of new beginnings

We pray for leaders of our nation, whichever party now takes on as the party in power of the government.

Lord, we pray that they will use their power wisely, compassionately, unselfishly and with humility

We pray for our ministers and their families. As Peter leaves to move on to a new beginning in his ministry and as Joseph takes on more responsibility, we pray for their future.

We pray for the churches in our circuit as we look to a probable merging with Sedgley and Gornal, that we may embrace new possibilities.

Thank You Lord that You hold all things in Your hands. That You alone are Lord of heaven and earth – that all of creation and it’s creatures are held in Your hands. Help us Lord to follow Your will .






 Brenda Webb celebrates her 80th Birthday on July 6th Happy Birthday Brenda  


A Big thank you to the teams that helped with the Strawberry tea on June 22nd 




Christian Aid Week. A big thank you to everyone who made a donation in Christian Aid week in May this year. £383-50 was raised in our Church collection. Together with £160 which was collected for the Lent Lunch, our Church has raised £543-50 in 2024 to help people across the world lift themselves out of poverty and enable them to have a better standard of life. Jill Green




Sat July  6th  Grief Cafe 10.00 am – 12.00 noon   

We offer a listening ear in a safe and friendly environment to all who are suffering from grief.   

Please know that we can always be reached by  

email :  or tel: 07835200939.    

 Sat July 20th COFFEE MORNING 10.30am -12.30pm Please note - this event replaces the Table Top Sale ! Please could we ask for donations of PLANTS, CAKES and raffle prizes to sell on that occasion. All proceeds to Church Funds Many thanks. Joy, Eileen, Jill and Margaret B. 





Ken Tivey was admitted to hospital this week with suspected pneumonia. We hold both him and Barbara in our thoughts and prayers 




Mon July 1st       WORSHIP CONSULTATION 7.30 pm

The Worship Consultation meeting will be held in the front hall. This is an open meeting, so please try and attend if  you are able.  Refreshments will be served                                 Thank you.       Jan Lear




Most of us in our church family were baptised (christened) when we were babies or young children. Some may have had a service of dedication. And some of us have confirmed our baptismal promises and are now full members of the church. Others may feel they would like to do that now. You may have been coming to church for a long time and been fully involved in the life and work of the church but have never had the opportunity to dedicate yourself in this way. All that is required is that you believe in God, the Father, in Jesus Christ His Son  and in the Holy Spirit.

Following a request from someone ,we are shortly to offer a  preparation for membership/ confirmation. If you want to know more about making a commitment then please let Rev Peter Brown,  Eileen Adams,  or your pastoral visitor know.



Could YOU help with -                                                                 

  • Joining one of the Refreshment Teams
  •  Being a Door Steward to welcome people into church
  • Being a Steward to help prepare for worship on Sundays (you need to be a church member
  • Joining the Merry Mowers team (Jason need a partner)The less gaps there are, the more effectively the Church can function.     
  •  This week at our pastoral visitors meeting we were sorry to hear that one of our pastoral visitors has had to step down. This means that remaining pastoral visitors will have responsibility for more of our congregation. This means the level of support we can offer is diluted.  So, if you think you could take responsibility  for a number of folk ( you can decide how many) could you please have a word with Eileen or Beth. A PV keeps a friendly eye on a number of people and passes on requests for support to the Minister.                                                                                                Can YOU fill one of these gaps???? pleeeeeeeeeeease





The 24-7 prayer website offers prayers for elections                                        

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom

for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners(Isaiah 61:17)


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms   (Ephesians 6:12)

There are spiritual realities involved in human circumstance, and Jesus has ultimate authority over every “spiritual force of evil” in our world. Let’s pray against the darkness that is enflaming fear, despair, and violence in people’s hearts.

We pray that where there is division, God will bring unity and respect.  Let’s bless each political party and different group with a heart for unity and cooperation.

We pray that where there are lies and false narratives, God will bring revelation and truth.

That where there is despair, God will bring hope and vision. As we read the verse from Isaiah again, let’s remember that this is what Jesus does.  He is at work in our nation. 

We pray for His vision for our nation to inspire hope.







Barbara Tivey has spent some time in  Queen Elizabeth Hospital having suffered a mild stroke.  She is now back home and we hold Barbara and Ken in love and prayers.


 Shenstone Singers and Shenstone Roses concert on June 9th was enjoyed by a full house. Money raised was for a charity supported by Lutley Community Choir and Hasbury Methodist We received £188.50 for church funds. Big thank you to everyone who helped in any way




Sat June 15th CIRCUIT MEETING 10.00 – 11.00 am

All are welcome at this meeting to discuss the proposed Circuit Merger. Please take this opportunity to come along, ask questions, learn about the possibilities and give your views. We  hope as many of you as possible will join and share your concerns and hopes for the future of our churches 

 Wed June 19th Fellowship Group 2.30 pm  

We’re looking at The Beatitudes, this week we’re reading Matt 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.  You’re welcome to join us                    

 cream tea


SATURDAY JUNE 22nd at 3.00 pm

Tickets £6 from Maureen Stanley  07903 616171  or Jan Lear 07714 459451

Join us for an afternoon  of friendship and strawberries – delicious !                Proceeds for Church Funds  

 GB Annual Awards Evening              


                                   45th Birthday Celebrations!


Refreshments and birthday cake will be served afterwards.

Thursday 27th June at Hasbury    6.30 pm



Mon July 1st       WORSHIP CONSULTATION 7.30 pm

The Worship Consultation meeting will be held in the front hall. This is an open meeting, so please try and attend if  you are able.  Refreshments will be served                           Thank you.       Jan Lear


Sat July 20th  TABLE TOP SALE  10.00 AM – 1.00 pm

If you would like to book a table, please contact Maureen Stanley  tel 07903616171        email    Cost is £15 per table




Chloe Jeavons is joining the Birmingham Running Festival  on July 21st. She’s fundraising for Shelter. Everyone deserves a roof over their heads and a safe place to live in  If you’d like to help those who don’t have that security you may like to sponsor Chloe in her challenge to raise money for Shelter. Her Just giving page is

or you can donate via me, Maureen Jeavons and I’ll pass on your donation 




The 24-7 prayer website offers prayers for elections         

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  (James3:17)

Lord, we pray that you would give voters “wisdom from heaven” so that they can be “impartial and sincere”

That young voters and first time voters would feel empowered to make their voices heard

That the process of casting a vote is  straightforward and safe for every voter

That voters make decisions with godly wisdom, led by the Holy Spirit


Get rid of bitterness rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  (Ephesians 4: 31-32)

We pray that the media contribute to these elections in helpful ways

That reporting be accurate and true and that the media will promote conversation rather than division.

That there will be no “brawling and slander” or malice, but rather words that speak the truth in love and that God will work among the media to shed light on what is hidden.







The funeral of Audrey Beasley will take place on Friday June 14th at 11.00 am   at Stourbridge Crematorium followed by a Service of Thanksgiving for Audrey’s life  at Hasbury Methodist Church at 12.45 pm. Donations in memory of Audrey will be accepted for Edmore Care Home. We hold Audrey’s family in our love and prayers.  


The funeral of June Connaughton will take place on Thursday June 13th at 12.00 noon  at Blackheath Central Methodist, followed by burial at Quinton Cemetery at 1.00 pm We hold June’s friends in love and prayers.


John Larwood is recovering from a knee replacement operation. We pray you make a good recovery John


Thank you for your contributions to the collection at our United Circuit Service on May 26th which amounted to £206.50 and this has been passed on to Shelter




SUNDAY 9th JUNE 3.00 – 4.30 pm

Musical concert by Shenstone Singers and Shenstone Roses and students

Doors open 2.30 pm. Tickets £5, under 16s free. Refreshments served after the concert.


Mon June 10th           Church Council Meeting 7.30 pm 


Sat June 15th CIRCUIT MEETING 10.00 – 11.00 am

All are welcome at this meeting to discuss the proposed Circuit Merger. Please take this opportunity to come along, ask questions, learn about the possibilities and give your views. We  hope as many of you as possible will join and share your concerns and hopes for the future of our churches 

       The Leaders of 3rd Halesowen Girls’ Brigade 

invite all of our GB and Church family and friends to

          GB Annual Awards Evening and

         45th Birthday Celebrations!


Refreshments and birthday cake will be served afterwards.

Thursday 27th June at Hasbury    6.30 pm 




Most of us in our church family were baptised (christened) when we were babies or young children. Some may have had a service of dedication. And some of us have confirmed our baptismal promises and are now full members of the church. Others may feel they would like to do that now. You may have been coming to church for a long time and been fully involved in the life and work of the church but have never had the opportunity to dedicate yourself in this way. All that is required is that you believe in God, the Father, in Jesus Christ His Son  and in the Holy Spirit.

Following a request from someone ,we are shortly to offer a  preparation for membership/ confirmation. If you want to know more about making a commitment then please let Rev Peter Brown,  Eileen Adams,  or your pastoral visitor know.




Alison Drew has joined the Stewarding Team      

and Sharon Hemming is now Baptismal Secretary



Still needed are - Stewards, Door Stewards and  more people for Refreshments teams

The less gaps there are, the more effectively the Church can function.                                 

Can YOU fill one of these gaps???? 


PRAYER       The 24-7 prayer website offers prayers for elections         

For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisors.  Proverbs 11;14 We pray that vote casting continues to be safe, fair and accessible to all.  That polling stations are safe and places of peace.  That every vote is counted and accurately  reported. That election workers are filled with peace, surrounded by safety and able to work with efficiency and integrity.

For unto us a child is born, to us a Son is given and the government shall be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace  Isaiah 9:8

Tensions run high around elections – we pray for peace to cover evry part of the process. May Jesus, Prince of Peace reign over the nation with His peace. May God help any frustration to be channelled into productive action and conversation. May there be no violence of any kind and if there is to be a transfer of power, may it happen peacefully and with respect.                                                                                                                         Amen


As we remember the dedication and sacrifice of all who took part in the D Day Landings 80 years ago to restore peace and freedom to Europe,                    we honour their memories.

We pray for a lasting peace in all places of conflict in the world today.               Lord we pray that You would breathe Your peace into the hearts and minds of all and restore harmony to Your creation.


 ************************* ************************ 



Sat June 1st      Grief Cafe 10.00 am – 12.00 noon We offer a listening ear in a safe and friendly environment to all suffering from grief. Please know that we can always be reached by email: or tel: 0783520093 




Mon June 10th           Church Council Meeting 7.30 pm     




SUNDAY 9th JUNE 3.00 – 4.30 pm 


Musical concert by Shenstone Singers and Shenstone Roses and students

Doors open 2.30 pm. Tickets £5, under 16s free. Refreshments served after the concert.




Sat June 22nd    STRAWBERRY TEA from 3.00 pm

 Please note date has been changed  for this event due to Circuit Meeting which has been planned for 15th

Tickets £6 from Maureen Stanley  or Jan Lear 

Please try and support this event                  Proceeds for Church Funds  


Sat June 15th Circuit Meeting 10.00 – 11.00 am 


Sat July 20th  TABLE TOP SALE  10.00 AM – 1.00 pm 






The 24-7 prayer website offers prayers for elections

There can be a lot of fear and anger around elections. As we come into prayer, we pause for a moment and present our hearts to the Holy Spirit, asking Him to bring us into His perspective.

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to  you

Do not fear:  I will help you

Lord we know that You are so much bigger than anything we are facing.  Thank You that You reign above it all.  As we pray today, we ask You to lead us into Your perspective of the situation, full of Your comfort, Your authority, and Your hope



The funeral of Audrey Beasley 

 will take place on Friday June 14th at 11.00 am  at Stourbridge Crematorium followed by a service of thanksgiving for Audrey’s life at Hasbury Methodist Church. Donations in memory of Audrey will be accepted for  Edmore Care Home. We hold Audrey’s family in our love and prayers. 


The funeral of June Connaughton  

will take place on Thursday June 13th at 12.00 noon           at Central Methodist, followed by burial at Quinton Cemetery at 1.00 pm We hold June’s friends in love and prayers 



                                 CHURCH STEWARDS  UPDATE


Thankfully we have now had an offer from one person, and two other pairs of people (for a 12 month period only*.)This brings the Stewards team up to 6 at the moment which is a much healthier position  to be in. 

However, one other volunteer or a another team of two would give us a more secure  position going forward because the problem has not been fully solved. This time next year we will be looking for people again *!


 Please would you prayerfully  reconsider stepping forward to take on this important role in the church.


 Also please note that 3 people have now stepped down from the Door Stewarding role as a result  of volunteering  to be Church Stewards, so now we need people to fill those gaps too!

Please speak to one of the Church stewards if you are  willing  to help in any way. 






SUNDAY 9th JUNE 3.00 – 4.30 pm

Musical concert by Shenstone Singers and Shenstone Roses and students

Doors open 2.30 pm. Tickets £5, under 16s free. Refreshments served after the concert.


Sat June 15th    Strawberry Tea 3.00 – 5.00  pm  




PRAYER                               from Methodist Prayer Handbook

I lift my eyes to the trees

Majestic canopy in city square, flourishing in a field hedge, thorn on a rocky outcrop.

I shuffle leaves, pick fruit and plant acorns.

But I like wood floors, beams in cathedrals and old ships.

Forests are fought over and industrial logging endangers all life.

Yet as biblical people met God under landmark trees, all creation meets heaven on the Cross.

That tree of life, love, death and hope.

Forever attractive to artists, trees yield new truths to science every day: their rings tell secrets of the long past, their roots talk along a web.

Home to diverse creatures and, best of all, they capture carbon.

Creator God, turn my awe for trees into respectful living.                    Amen




The wedding of Matthew Stanley and Katie Bayliss  

will take place on  Saturday 25th May at Worcester Guildhall.  We send our congratulations and  pray that God may richly bless your future together 




We currently have 3 pairs on our mowing rota. Jason Gardner has offered to join and needs someone to pair with him. Please could someone offer their services. If you would be willing, please contact John Jeavons 0121 550 7992







There will be a planning meeting for this year's holiday club on Tuesday 4th June, 7.45pm at our home, 71 Briery Road, B63 1AS. If you would like to help at holiday club but are unable to make the meeting, please let us know what you would be willing to do so that it can guide us in our planning. We will be running the club for 3 or 4 mornings from Tuesday 23rd July at Hasbury.

Thank you,      

Rachel and   Steve




We met at Sutton Coldfield Methodist Church on 9th September, 2 synods in one. The main business of the day was to consider Birmingham District and Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District coming together to form a West Midlands District.

Several spoke of the cooperation we already have in training, safeguarding, mission and this would extend.  There are obvious economies – one district chair and manse and other work presently done by 2 would be performed by one.

The vote showed a majority in favour, approximately 2 thirds so the matter will now be considered by the Methodist Council and Conference

Eric Collins


Also under discussion at present is the possibility of combining Blackheath and Halesowen Circuit with another circuit. Gornal and Sedgley has been suggested by the chairs of the District, but other circuits can be considered. If you’d like more information or would like to make other suggestions, speak to one of our Circuit Representatives,  The next Circuit meeting is on May 21st.

Our Circuit Representatives are Dave Vercoe, Sarah Austin, Maisie Newman





An old African proverb says  " If you think  you're  too small  to make a difference  try spending  the night with a mosquito !! "



We are still looking for Church Stewards, people willing to join the Prayer Ministry team,  Door Stewards and more people for Coffee rota, not to mention the Grass mowing team.                                   An old English proverb says " Many hands make light work"                                        




   Please contact one of the Stewards if you feel you can help. 




Loneliness Week 10-16th June


DMBC’s Children, young people & families’ team are supporting a “Friendly Bench” in Halesowen Town Centre during Loneliness week. The bench is located opposite The Beacon Charity shop in the town centre. They would love volunteers to man it for an hour or two at a time.  If you can help between 10-16th June, please get in touch with Vicky Rogers

Tel 07786 937989.  Halesowen BID Town Manager 



Heavenly Father

We hold in our prayers Your churches in our circuit, Hasbury, Short Cross, Central. We pray for our Ministers. For Peter and his family as they prepare to move on to a new ministry. For Joseph and his family.

We pray for all those who offer their services in the life of the church and we give thanks for their faithfulness.

We pray for plans that will be made in the life of each church and the circuit. Lord may you guide our thoughts and our plans and lead us to where You want us to go . Revive Your church Lord. May those whom You call hear Your voice and answer Your call

May we be a beacon of light in a world that is increasingly dark and fearful.

Shine, Jesus, shine through us.

In Jesus Name,  Amen




Audrey Beasley passed peacefully away on Wednesday May 8th. Audrey was a much loved member of Hasbury church family and is now safely with her Lord and reunited with her husband Peter. We hold Joy, Linda, Michael and all of Audrey’s family in our love and prayers. Rest in Peace Audrey.  

June Connaughton whom some of you will remember as she was a Methodist local preacher for many years, has passed away after a lifetime of faithful service. Rest in Peace June  


DEFIBRILLATOR We received notification from the Ambulance Service that our defibrillator has been used. We’re never told details but let’s pray that someone’s life has been saved 

The Quiz Night on May 4th raised £450. Thank you to Quizmaster John Austin and to all who supported the evening 


The Time for Me after school group has had to be discontinued as numbers were not enough to continue. 


Tues May 14th          Open Door 2.00 – 4.00 pm  

                                       We have a talk by Dudley Trading Scams Unit to tell us                                                                          “Don’t get scammed” 

Wed May 15th          Fellowship Group 2.30 pm.                                                                                                                                   We’re looking at The Beatitudes and this week we’ll be looking at                                                     "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. Matt 5:5                                                         You are welcome to join us 



Thurs May 9th Ascension Day to Sunday May 19th Pentecost Why not become part of an incredible prayer movement and join with thousands around the world praying for more people to come to know Jesus. Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.                                                                                                Free Prayer Journal booklets to use during this period are available on the prayer table in the entrance hall. They include daily devotional material, access to videos to enhance your prayer journeys, and 11 specially commissioned artworks to guide your thought. Please pick up a copy to use 



If you have a young family you may be interested to know about - Fun STaRT activity sessions at local family hubs Families can have fun and find out more about the benefits of home learning in the early years by coming along to FREE activity sessions at local family hubs. The storytelling and nursery rhyme sessions are for parents/carers and under 5s. Dudley’s family hub network is running the sessions from 13 to 17 May as part of its new Sing, Talk and Read Together (STaRT) campaign, which highlights the value of home learning from conception throughout the early years. The Halesowen session is at 10am to noon at Halesowen Town Hall, Thursday 16 May Hagley Street, Halesowen, B63 3AT Free books for young children are kindly being provided by the National Literacy Trust across the week in all family hubs. Representatives from the trust will be on site at the Coseley event on Monday and Brierley Hill event on Wednesday, to talk to families about their resources. As well as stories and nursery songs, there will be the chance for young children to play and explore. Find out more about START at 




Lord Jesus You have been given all authority in heaven and on earth Fully human, yet divine, taken into heaven, yet here by our sides. You are higher than our highest thoughts, greater than our minds could ever grasp. So with all Your people in every age, we bow before You and confess You as our risen Saviour, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, to the glory of God the Father Amen 



Chloe Jeavons celebrates her 21st birthday on May 4th 

Caroline Hanna celebrates her 60th birthday on May 5th   

Mary Hackett celebrates her 80th birthday on May 10th  

wishing you all a very 



The Coffee Morning with Bugs Ukelele Music Group was SO enjoyable and raised £377,  

of which £100 donation was given to Bugs Ukelele group.  

Many thanks to all who helped in any way and all who provided cakes. 




PRAYER (from Methodist prayer Handbook)   


 Unifying God, reigning far above our earthly differences, in the midst of injustice, wars and suffering, You call us to bear with one another in love.  

Help us to remember the essential qualities of faith; humility, gentleness, patience and love.  

May we strive to put peace into one another’s hands, to treasure it and to protect it like a candle flame.  

God of peace and justice, rain down upon us Your peace, fill every heart with Your peace, now and for ever Amen 




Jenny Willetts has been awarded the Order of Australia

  in recognition of her work with churches to set up Stable One which provides winter shelters and affordable supportive housing for those who find themselves homeless.

 Congratulations Jenny.

 Jenny and John will be back in England in a few months. We send you love and look  forward to seeing you both then.






God, we come to you and you welcome us. Some of us are tired and others are bristling with energy. Your love upholds each one of us.

 God, we come to you and you welcome us. Some of us exploring doubts, and others filled with certainty. Your love inspires each one of us.

 God, we come to you and you welcome us. Some of us at peace, and others itching with anxiety. Your love calms each one of us.

 God, we come to you and you welcome us. Some of us knowing joy, and others in pain. Your love reaches out to each one of us.

 God, we come to you and you welcome us. You search us, and you know us. Each of us fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us bearing your image. Each of us celebrating your love!                                                                                           Thank you God.      Amen. 




                  CHURCH FAMILY NEWS April 20th

                           Lindsey and Cara send the following message  

                                 following Chris Webb’s funeral

Thank you so much to everyone who attended mom's funeral and for all the support and generous donations. 

The total raised was over £1600 for Mary Stevens Hospice and Pancreatic Cancer Uk. This is a lovely tribute to her and we are extremely grateful for your kindness.

Thank you again

Lindsey and Cara     





Grief Café. Our numbers are growing and we really need more volunteers. If you feel able to support us in this way please contact Joy, Eileen or Cathy so that we can chat to you about what’s involved and training will be arranged. 



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training


The Methodist Church has brought in mandatory EDI training for certain positions held within our churches. This includes: ministers, local preachers, stewards, worship leaders, safe-guarding officers and lay workers. It is also encouraged that pastoral visitors or those who work with children and young people complete the training. Those involved with Girls’ Brigade will be covered by their own GB training. However, the training is free and is open to anyone within the life of our church and if we are involved in volunteering at a group within our Churches we are encouraged to complete it.


There is the opportunity to complete the training online. It takes about 2 hours to complete and is quite easy to follow. You need to create an account but then can enrol on the course:


****** ************************  




Eternal God of Shalom,  

we pray for all working for justice and reconciliation in the Holy Land.

Gracious Spirit of Salaam, we pray for wisdom and tolerance  

among all people for whom Israel and Palestine are Holy.

Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, pour Your inclusive, healing love  

on people who are frightened, oppressed, bereaved or defiant.

We pray so earnestly for a just and equal sharing of this beautiful, divided and scarred land.


Lord in Your Mercy, Hear our Prayer                                           Amen


                  CHURCH FAMILY NEWS April 12th 

Marie Austin celebrates her 80th birthday on April 19th

Happy Birthday Marie80


Congratulations to George and Katy Mitchell on the birth of your daughter Etty Mae,      born on 1st April, a great granddaughter for Audrey Beasley.


Sheila Hannan had knee replacement surgery on March 29th and is now recovering at home. We hold you in our love and prayers Sheila 






Awesome, Almighty God

This week we have been awed by the wonders of Your creation

People have witnessed the light we take for granted extinguished by the solar eclipse.

We are overwhelmed by the unimaginable greatness of galaxies – stars flung into space,      so many planets and stars light years away.

And yet, You care for each one of us. Lord our God – how great You are.

We offer You our love and our worship and pray that you may use us as Your hands, feet, voice in this world. You ask us to be stewards of Your creation, just where we are. Help us Lord to be worthy stewards.                                                           Amen


                  CHURCH FAMILY NEWS April 5th 

  Lent Lunch – Thank  you for donations made at the Lent Lunch which totalled £160. This has been passed on to Christian Aid.


Thank you so much for all  your cards and good wishes on our Diamond Wedding Anniversary. It was a very special time for us. The love of our Church Family has surrounded us through the years and means so much to us.

God bless you all John and Maureen xx





Time has flown so fast since our amazing holiday club last Summer. It is hard to believe we now have a 5 month old baby! Steve and I love holiday club and therefore would like to offer to organise another one this Summer if there is sufficient availability of other helpers.


At least one school in Halesowen is still open to pupils on the last day of term which is Monday 22nd July. Therefore we would like to offer a 3 or 4 day club from Tuesday 23rd July, running mornings at Hasbury Methodist.  We've had lots of positive feedback on using it as a joint venture between Hasbury and Short Cross and will therefore use the same format again this year.  


We have emailed those who have been previously involved but anyone is welcome to join the team. Please let us know if you would like any more information on what is involved. DBS checks can be arranged for anyone who doesn't have one. 


If you would like to be involved, please let us know by Saturday 20th April so we can plan accordingly at  Everyone can support us through prayer and we are very grateful for those who continue to support us in this way.


Thank you as always,

Rachel and Steve 


PRAYER             (from Methodist Prayer Handbook)


I lift my eyes to the trees

Majestic canopy in city square, flourishing in a field hedge, thorn on a rocky outcrop.

I shuffle leaves, pick fruit and plant acorns.

But I like wood floors, beams in cathedrals and old ships.

Forests are fought over and industrial logging endangers all life.

Yet as biblical people met God under landmark trees, all creation meets heaven on the Cross.

That tree of life, love, death and hope.

Forever attractive to artists, trees yield new truths to science every day, their rings tell secrets of the long past, their roots talk along a web.

Home to diverse creatures and best of all, they capture carbon.          

Creator God, turn my awe for trees into respectful living.




              CHURCH FAMILY NEWMarch 29TH 

Dave William’s funeral be on Wednesday 3rd April at 1.45 pm at Rowley Regis Crematorium and afterwards at Hasbury Conservative Club, Blackberry Lane, Halesowen.

No Flowers please, but donations will be welcome and will go to the Forget-Me-Not Dementia Ward at Russells Hall Hospital. Any money raised will go towards enhancing the environment and comfort of the patients – local people, from Dudley borough.

Sheila x

We hold Sheila, Kevin, Kathryn and family in our love and prayers

(Please could you make any cheques payable to Sheila Williams for easier processing of donations 


Will Plant celebrates his 21st Birthday on March 29th.  Happy Birthday Will


Sophie Plant celebrates her 18th Birthday on April 3rd. Happy Birthday Sophie 


Margaret Vercoe celebrates her 80th Birthday on April 6th.

Happy Birthday Margaret


The Hasbury Church family send their congratulations , love and best wishes to Maureen and John as they celebrate their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on March 30th.

May God richly  bless you both into the future.     




CIRCUIT PRAYER DAY Sat 11th May 10.00 am – 1.00 pm 




Thank you to those who give their time to care for our church gardens. Madge Smith  plants the flowers just outside the church entrance and has a request for some soil. If you are emptying baskets/ planters, please could you leave some unwanted soil in a bag under the cover at the rear of the church – she doesn’t need a huge amount, just enough to add to the garden there.

We have 3 pairs of Merry Mowers – if you’d like to volunteer to join the rota to care for the lawns, please speak to Dave Raxster or John Jeavons

And if you notice any part of the gardens that need attention – please feel free to dig in.




Church Stewards are a vital part of our church. At present we have 3 stewards, Maureen Stanley, Dave Raxster and Jan Lear. Jan has been very poorly. She’s now recovering but will need to rest for a number of weeks until she regains her strength. We hold you in our prayers Jan.

Maureen and Jan also lead Junior Church and Dave is Property Steward.

We have a REAL need for more stewards to join the team to lessen their load.

Stewards liaIse with the preacher, organist and tech person to ensure all is ready for worship. There is a requirement for stewards to be members of the Methodist Church.

The more stewards there are, the less times they are on duty. PLEASE consider if you would be able to serve as a steward – talk to Maureen, Dave or Jan and they will answer any queries you have. 



If you’re able to visit Joan Busby she and the family would be very appreciative. But, so that we don’t all go on the same day, could you please  let Eileen know when you plan to go. Or if you suddenly find you have time please give her a call.

Joan is in Amberley Care Home 481-483 Stourbridge Rd, Brierley Hill DY5 1LB

tel: 01384 482365




                  CHURCH FAMILY NEWMarch 22nd



Halesowen Grief Café meets on the FIRST Saturday of each month from 10.00 -  12.00.We’re delighted to say that word is spreading and  our numbers are growing. However that means that we need more volunteers. So, our question is this: could you become a volunteer to join our team? We need men and women to join us (at present we have a ratio of 4 men to one lady so it would be good to have some more men  on the team). We will give all the training needed and will have a chat with you to see where your skills could best be used. We DONT give either counselling or advice. We DO offer a safe and relaxed environment, refreshments,  friendship and  a listening ear.

If you’d like to know more please contact Eileen Adams  or Joy Jones 




 I (Eileen Adams)  am now the Pastoral Care co-ordinator for Hasbury. Please could you let me know if you, or anyone you know from our church family, is ill or in need of help. Then the pastoral care visitor and the Minister will be informed quickly. Please don’t assume we already know. 

At the same time contact me if you don’t know who YOUR pastoral care visitor is. There have been a lot of changes over recent months as folk adapt to changed circumstances. We are here to support one another and we want to make sure we do that for  everyone. Be assured that confidences will be strictly kept. 

 Every Blessing, Eileen






More people are in need of support, and the following items are needed to help:-

Cartons of long life milk and fruit juice         Cordial/ Squash    

Small jars of coffee        Tinned chopped tomatoes          Tinned potatoes / Mash

Tinned fruit                     Tinned custard / rice pudding    Tinned fish

Tinned ready meals (meatballs / chilli / mac & cheese)      Tinned Fray Bentos pies

Tinned vegetables            Tinned meat (ham / corned beef) Breakfast cereal

Pasta sauce                      Savoury rice                                Instant noodles

Roll on deodorant   Shampoo      Shower gel   Toilet rolls   Bars of soap





We pray to you, Lord of palm-branches and the cross,  for you understand us and in love you have promised not to push away any who come to you.

So we pray for people who feel pushed away and isolated


We pray for your church that all those who trust in You may be able to live in humility

We pray to you, Lord of palm-branches and the cross,

for you know the warm glow of being praised and the loneliness of being hated.


We pray for world leaders,

quick to stand in the limelight taking decisions which affect everyone in the world

but slow at times to do the steady, less glamorous work to which they are called.

We pray for world leaders to understand their role to serve the peoples of the world,

In days when food banks are needed in to feed families who struggle to provide the basics for life, we ask that You will re-arrange our priorities and help us to live more like You.

We pray to you, Lord of palm-branches and the cross, because you know how quickly life changes to death.


We pray for those who have recently lost those whom they have loved.

In the shock, confusion, pain and sorrow especially of unexpected loss,

we pray for hearts to be open to the comfort of your Spirit, shown through friendship and community

We remember those we know who mourn in these days,

who need to be sure that you invite those in sorrow to turn to you;


We ask, God of grace, that you will help us to be faithful.

 To show our praise in the way we live

Bless all that we do in Your name                                                 Amen


(adapted from a prayer on the Church of Scotland website)






at the parish church needs our support

 A variety of fair trade goods, cards and gifts are available.

 It is run by volunteers from Churches Together in Halesowen who are committed to supporting fair trade producers in the global south.  

 Opening hours from January 2024   Wednesday, Friday and Saturday  10.30 am – 12.30 pm       Refreshments Available -  enjoy a fair-trade hot drink, with complimentary fair-trade biscuits, for £1 






We hold in prayer all those in many places in our world who are suffering from conflict.

Lord we lift to you the innocent who live in fear – who have lost loved ones and who have life changing injuries. Those who have fled their homes, and the many who have no home to return to.

We pray for all who risk their lives to protect their people and their country

We pray for all who are working to provide humanitarian aid and all who are working for peace.

We hold in our prayers the situation in Gaza – Lord we pray for a ceasefire and a lasting peace. Breathe your Holy Spirit into the hearts and minds of those who are striving to bring this about, and give a willingness for a peaceful solution to the leaders of both Israel and Palestine

Lord in Your mercy  hear our prayer                        Amen      



March 1st


 The funeral  of Chris Webb will be held on Wednesday 6th March, at 11.40pm, Stourbridge crematorium. Afterwards there will be a celebration of her life from 1.00pm at Hagley golf club.

We look forward to seeing you. Instead of flowers we are asking for donations to Mary Stevens Hospice and Pancreatic cancer UK. 

Also we are so thankful for all the cards, flowers, messages, prayers, love and support in the last few days, we really appreciate the kindness everyone has shown.

Cara and Lindsey

We hold Cara and Lindsey and their families in our love and prayers  

Marjorie Homer has passed away. Marjorie was a member of Romsley Methodist Church who gave long and faithful service and is now safely with the Lord. We hold Sharon and family in our love and prayers

Rest in peace Marjorie  



The total raised by our Book & Jigsaw Coffee Morning was £525.50. Thank you to all who supported  and many thanks to all who worked so hard to set up, sell and clear away




We are now able to collect used postage stamps again

We can pass them on to a contact who collects them for RNIB and RNID

If you can trim a small margin around each stamp, that would be helpful. 



at the parish church needs our support

 A variety of fair trade goods, cards and gifts are available.

 It is run by volunteers from Churches Together in Halesowen who are committed to supporting fair trade producers in the global south.  

 Opening hours from January 2024   Wednesday, Friday and Saturday  10.30 am – 12.30 pm       Refreshments Available -  enjoy a fair-trade hot drink, with complimentary fair-trade biscuits, for £1  



CHURCH FAMILY NEWFebruary 24th  


Dave Williams passed peacefully away at home on Monday February 19th with Sheila at his side. We hold Sheila, Kathryn and Kevin and family in our love and prayers.

Rest in peace Dave.


Alice Harris has passed away on February 9th at age 98. Alice was a part of our church family for as long as she was able and I know some of you will remember her.  She passed peacefully away on Friday 9th February. We hold her daughters Joan and Sandra and family in our love and prayers.







 Our dear friend Chris Webb passed peacefully away on Friday 9th February. Rest in peace Chris, safely with your Lord and reunited with your husband Leigh.

We hold Cara and Lindsey and all of the family in our love and prayers

 They say: we are so thankful for all the cards, flowers, messages, prayers, love and support in the last few days, we really appreciate the kindness everyone has shown.

Cara and Lindsey


Alice Harris has passed away at age 99. Alice was a part of our church family for as long as she was able and I know some of you will remember her.  She passed peacefully away on Friday 9th February.We hold her daughters Joan and Sandra and family in our love and prayers. 



Dave Williams has been in hospital. He is very poorly and hopefully he will be taken home possibly today (Thursday) to be cared for. We hold Dave and Sheila in our love and prayers. 




John Cox celebrates his 80th birthday on February 21st

Ros Parish celebrates her 80th birthday on February 24th

Happy Birthday to you both




CHURCH FAMILY NEWFebruary 11th  


Dear Friends

Our dear friend Chris passed peacefully away last night. Her daughters, 

Cara and Lindsey, were both with her. Chris has been a faithful member of our church family for many years, and she .will be sadly missed by us all. Chris has struggled bravely with her illness, and now she is safely with her Lord, and reunited with her husband Leigh

We hold Cara and Lindsey and all of Chris's family in our love and prayers.

Rest in Peace Chris


God bless 



February 9th 2024  




February 2nd 2024  

Eileen Scanlon is to celebrate her 85th birthday on Tuesday February 13th. Her address is

 7 Coppice Rise, Brierley Hill DY5 1DN. You are welcome to call in from 2.00 pm onwards to help her celebrate. 

We have learned this week that Mollie Cole has died. Mollie had been in a care home for some time but  was for many years  a member of the church family at Hasbury

Mollie's funeral will be held at Stourbridge Crematorium on Tuesday February 6th at 2.50 pm

We hold Mollie's family in loving prayer.  



 HELP            HELP            HELP            HELP            



Our prayer ministry team is in need of more people who can offer to share prayer time with those who need it following worship.

It is a very special priviledge to share this time with those who come forward for prayer. Please consider if you could offer to join the team. All prayers are confidential. If you feel you may be able to join us, please have a chat with Joy, Eileen, Pam or Maureen.



We also need more people on our rota for providing music for worship. We are really grateful to those who play the organ for worship – it makes such a difference to our singing.

If you can offer some dates to play for us, or if you know of anyone who may be able to, please speak to one of the stewards.



And also, could anyone offer themselves as a steward. It would really help our stewards if we had more people on the rota. 



 January 27th

The collection at the United Service amounted to £179.52   

This has been donated to the Welcome Group  



January 19th 2024 


Joan Busby is now living in care at Amberley Care Home, Brierley Hill.  

We hold Joan and all the family  in our prayers 





January 6th 2024



Here’s to the blessing of the year,

Here’s to the friends we hold so dear,

To peace on earth, both far and near. 



Christmas morning offering amounted to £196.20 and this has been forwarded to Action for Children.  Thank You


Shenstone Singers and Shenstone Roses send their thanks to all who supported their Christmas concert. £140 has been donated to church funds, and £100 was given in donations for Brain Tumour research in memory of Trevor Cutler
