Sunday Worship


 Worship begins at 10.30 and  finishes between 11.30 and 11.45. 

Afterwards we enjoy spending time with friends and getting to know newcomers over tea, coffee and biscuits. 

Junior Church have their own lessons and usually come in at the end of the service  to share what they've been doing. 



Following the recent Worship Consultation Meeting a decision has been made to have a short time of preparation for worship  before the service begins, in order to create a better prayerful atmosphere for everyone. 

About 5 minutes before the service begins a brief opening prayer will be led by one of the prayer ministry team - there will then be music and images on the screens.

 You are respectfully asked to spend these few minutes in quiet reflection and prayer as we prepare our hearts and minds for worship.   

                                            "Come now is the time to worship "   

Prayer Room will be open from 10am