September 2023 

Madge Smith’s great granddaughter, Ophelia Yvonne Smith  

was born on September 8th

. A daughter for Pierre and Petra.  

Congratulations and blessings.



June 2nd 2023 

 Jenny Willetts has been awarded an OAM 

(Order of the Australian Medal)

in the Kings Birthday Honours 

 in recognition for the work she has done with setting up winter Night shelters for the homeless at first in Victoria but now in other states too.

 She has worked so hard to obey God’s call.  

We send you love, blessings, and prayers for the work that you do, Jenny  

You can find out more about the caring work of Stable One online at   


three precious children - Alfie, Lili and  Rosie  

were DEDICATED during our harvest / worship for all service on 

October 9th 2022


so good to see them growing in confidence, strength and faith

(not a real picture for safeguarding reasons)